By Jeff Helsdon
Tillsonburg Post
A revised application for an apartment building in the development at the corner of North Street West and Quarter Town Line was supported by Tillsonburg council despite ongoing concerns from area residents.
A public meeting was held at the Aug. 12 meeting to look at the revised application from Southside Construction for a six-storey apartment building, and a six-unit and four-unit townhouse block. After concerns were raised by residents previously about the close location of the apartment building to North Street West, changes were made to the application.
The apartment building location was revised slightly to no longer require relief of front and side-yard depth provisions and the grading was changed to lower the building in relation to the street. Planning staff recommended approval of the application as it is consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement and meets the objectives of the official plan.
Bernard Chadillon and Pat Gracie spoke against the application. Chadillon understood that the apartment building was going to be relocated further from North Street. Concerns were also raised about traffic and the short period of time from the application being completed to it being before council.
“It’s still a big building. When we look at some of these adjustments, it’s like putting lipstick on a pig,” Chadillon said.
Coun. Bob Parsons also raised the concern about the amount of notification given.
“Do people who have things in their neighbourhood have time to respond,” he asked.
Coun. Kelly Spencer echoed this sentiment and also asked about traffic concerns and if it will be included in the traffic master plan. She also said more rental housing is needed in town.
Mayor Deb Gilvesy explained if applications aren’t turned around with provincial guidelines, the development application fee will have to be returned. She suggested the timeline could be extended slightly and the notification zone expanded.
“We are under provincial law with regards to timelines,” she added.
With regards to traffic concerns, it was explained this could be looked at through site plan control once the application is approved.
The motion, that Tillsonburg council advise county council it supports the official plan amendment to redesignate the lands from medium density residential to high density residential and the zone change application from medium to high density residential be supported in principle, was approved.
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